CalFresh Application Assistance and Training

  • Current Income Guidelines

    Gross Income Guidelines as of October 1, 2024:

    Household size of 1 = $2,510

    Household size of 2 = $3,408

    Household size of 3 = $4,304

    Household size of 4 = $5,200

    Household size of 5 = $6,098

    Household size of 6 = $6,994

    Household size of 7 = $7,890

    Household size of 8 = $8,788

    Each additional household member = +$898

    Download our 1-page info sheet about applying for CalFresh in Humboldt County, including current income guidelines:

    *Choose CalFresh (English)

    *Choose CalFresh (Spanish)

  • CalFresh SAWS1 and PIE Application Forms

    Download CalFresh application forms and print for use with clients in Humboldt County. A complete application consists of both the SAWS1 and the PIE (Pre-Interview Evaluation) forms. Click any of the titles below to download and/or print.

  • Semi-Annual Reporting

    Help CalFresh recipients fill out the SAR 7 form in order to submit a 6-month report form, which is required in order to keep receiving CalFresh benefits. Download this SAR 7 training document, with detailed instructional notes on how to fill out the SAR 7. All customers will have to complete a SAR 7.

    Most households have a one year certification period and will need to submit a SAR 7 in the 6th month.

    Households that reside on a Native American reservation have a longer certification period.

    Households in which all members are seniors age 60+ and/or disabled, and do not have earned income, have a longer certification period before needing to renew their CalFresh case. As of 1/24/22, these households have a 3-year certification period. These households will receive a SAR2 form reminding them of their mid-period reporting requirements at the 12th and 24th months of receiving benefits.

    If you've had a change in income or household status before your Semi-Annual Report form or recertification is due, you can also fill out a:

    and submit it to Humboldt County DHHS Social Services Branch to have your CalFresh benefit level adjusted. This report is used for any status change that occurs mid-period. This process can also be initiated by calling the DHHS Telephone Service Center at 1-877-410-8809 or online at BenefitsCal.

  • Verification Documents Checklist

    Download a handy checklist here.

    When assisting clients with a CalFresh application, it is helpful to provide additional information that ensures a successful eligibility determination process once it leaves your hands. This includes reviewing the types of documentation the County will require in order to complete the eligibility process and grant the maximum amount of benefits it possibly can. Check off items that apply to each unique household you work with, and encourage them to start gathering the documentation and making copies to provide to the County when requested. Better yet--as an Application Assistor, encourage clients to bring copies directly to you (or make the copies for them), and send those copies along to the county with the application. This pays off later so the eligibility determination process can go as fast and smooth as possible.

    Release of Information (ROI)

    When assisting with CalFresh applications, it is a good practice to work with clients to fill out the Release of Information (ROI) form, so that you can advocate on their behalf (as an application assister) in communications with the County. This might include checking in with the County on something a client is confused about, advocating on a client's behalf regarding a potential error in the eligibility process, or helping to facilitate better understanding between client and County, as needed.

    This is to make sure DHHS is meeting confidentiality requirements in their programs. The form now lists more benefit programs for customers to select, including CalWORKS and Welfare to Work, guaranteeing that this one ROI is good for the entire DHHS office.

  • Recertification Form

    Download and fill out the Recertification Form, which is required in order to renew benefits at the end of a certification period (1 year for most households; 3 years for some seniors and people with disabilities).

  • Reducing "Churn"

    Churn is the term for when households lose their CalFresh benefits while still eligible and then quickly reapply. Often this occurs when recertfication or reporting of some kind is due, though there are other reasons too.

    The Alliance to Transform CalFresh put together this explanation of and research on churn, which is also downloadable as a fact sheet at this link.

    The Center on Budget & Policy Priorities published their research on churn "Lessons Churned," which measures the impact on participants and state and local agencies.

  • Inter-County Transfer of Benefits

    Click here to link to the Inter-County Transfer info sheet.

    For households that have recently moved to Humboldt County from another California County (out of state must re-apply for CalFresh) in which the household is already receiving CalFresh benefits, the household will need to contact their former county agency to initiate an Inter-County Transfer of Benefits.

  • DHHS Info Sheets

    Download DHHS info sheets here.

    DHHS has created a series of dowloadable information sheets for partners, explaining the application and eligibility processes for many different Social Services programs, including CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and information on special circumstances for specific populations. Topics include:

    • What happens and what to expect after submitting a CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal application in Humboldt County

    • CalFresh and MediCal for specific populations such as students, Native Americans, seniors age 60+, persons with disabilities

    • Adding health care coverage to a CalFresh case

    • Inter-County transfers (moving from county to county and transferring a CalFresh case to the new county)

    • E-tools available for program participants (e-notifications, texting, and using

  • Watch CalFresh Outreach webinars anytime

    Watch past CalFresh Outreach webinars hosted by the California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) here.

    They include recorded webinars on the ABAWD rule (Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents), students, recertification, sponsorship/non-citizen situations, prior drug convictions, client rights and fair hearings, seniors, and much more.

  • Reframing CalFresh: How to talk about the program with clients

    Download the CalFresh reframing handout here.

    Food for People created a tool for helping partners to reframe CalFresh when working directly with clients. These tools help with overcoming some of the stigma, myths, fears and misinformation about the program, and provide ideas for talking about CalFresh comfortably and knowledgeably with clients.

  • The CalFresh Guide

    Visit LSNC's Guide to CalFresh Benefits here.

    Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) regularly updates its Guide to CalFresh Benefits, with detailed information on CalFresh, eligibility, applying, explanations of what is considered income or resources, how to keep benefits, overpayment or underpayment of benefits, notices, and fair hearings.