
Local Food Resources Coordinator Gleaning

What is gleaning?

We are part of a vibrant local food system in Humboldt County, which has given to us in so many ways. Farms, orchards, ranches, and backyard gardeners donate fresh, and often organic, Humboldt-grown foods to us. In addition, many local producers of specialty foods, such as bread, tortillas, cheese, milk, and more, donate to us throughout the year when they have surplus. In turn, we support our local food system with grant funding designated specifically for purchasing fresh foods from local farms and producers. Our Gleaning Program is the avenue through which farmers, orchards, ranchers, and other local producers donate locally raised food to the food bank. To learn more contact our Local Food Resources Coordinator at 707 445 3166 ext 312.

Plant a Row for the Hungry is a way for anyone in our community to donate garden-grown produce

Plant a Row for the Hungry

Plant a Row for the Hungry is a way for anyone in our community to donate garden-grown produce to our Gleaning Program, from backyard gardens and orchards large and small. Simply drop off your donation at Food for People during business hours, contact us via the form below, request that volunteers help with a large harvest, or find out where you can donate to a food pantry in your community.

Interested? Email us at

Fresh heirloom tomatoes donated to Food for People

Locally Delicious Food Fund

Our Locally Delicious Food Fund supports the local farming community, thanks to a partnership that was originally started with the authors of Locally Delicious: Recipes and Resources for Eating on the North Coast. The Locally Delicious Food Fund helps us contract with local farmers before the growing season begins, helping out with seasonal start-up costs, in exchange for growing specific high-quality organic produce items for our Senior and Homebound programs, to be delivered throughout the growing season.

DONATE TO THE LOCALLY DELICIOUS FOOD FUND HERE (select “Locally Delicious Farmers Fund” under “I want to designate my gift toward”


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