Statement on Federal Funding

While uncertainty remains regarding the proposed freeze of federal grant funding, there may still be impacts and at Food for People, we continue to be concerned about the future of programs that help the most vulnerable members of our community. There is still uncertainty about whether there will be an attempt to cut benefits for people experiencing poverty, either by executive order or through the budget reconciliation process in Congress.

In regards to food insecurity, the likely and unfortunate outcome of a federal funding freeze or reduction to benefits programs is more need for food assistance as impacted workers and program participants struggle with reduced financial and food resources. At the same time, a possible reduction in federal food resources for food banks across the nation would mean less food to serve existing and newly food-insecure households. Food for People is committed to continue providing food assistance to our community, whether there are cuts, freezes, or not, while also continuing to advocate for policies and operations that prevent hunger, promote health, and lift people out of poverty.

We strongly urge our federal representatives to take action to keep services and supports intact and reduce the current uncertainty and confusion. We also ask community members to make your voices heard by contacting your federal representatives with your concerns and personal stories of how a federal funding freeze or cuts to food assistance programs would affect you and the people you love.

- Carly Robbins, Executive Director of Food for People


Humboldt Holiday Food Drive